Forms and Resources

Safer Churches – Forms

Incident/Near Miss Report – Whenever there is an incident (or near-miss) on BCC property or at a BCC event.

Concerns Anecdotal Record – For when you have a concern – even if you aren’t certain there is a problem

Site Safety Report – Reporting any potential hazards or issues of site safety

Safer Churches – Training Courses

  1. Awareness (for all the Breakthrough Family)
  2. Team Breakthrough (for everyone who is a part of Team Breakthrough)
  3. [UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Supervisors (for everyone who is a supervisor in Team Breakthrough)

Breakthrough Training Courses

Introduction to Breakthrough (A 7-minute interactive overview of who we are at Breakthrough)

Are you interested in joining the Breakthrough family? (Partnership)

The Breakthrough Code (A quick guide to our 10 core values)

Getting started with EdApp (Breakthrough’s Training App)

Launchpad – For those ready to thrive at Breakthrough (Joining Team Breakthrough)

ELVANTO Training Videos

Elvanto = Team Breakthrough’s Church Management App

Overview of features

Downloading and setting up app on your phone

Viewing service plans

Notifying of unavailability

ADMIN: Creating a unique Sunday event

Breakthrough Resources

The Breakthrough Code (Values) – A4 PDF

Prayer Team Resources

Prophecies over Breakthrough – EdApp Course