Yng Adlts

Welcome to the Young Adults of Breakthrough church.

This is a place for those aged 18 to 30ish to enjoy doing life together through great social activities as well as times of real-life chats and real help through the craziness of life.

Contact Katelyn for more details about Yng Adlts

Upcoming Events

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Looks like there aren't any events planned for Yng Adlts yet.

Hey there Young Adult!

Here at Breakthrough we love doing life together, and there are a few ways that looks.

We love hanging out and enjoying our monthly social adventures (and all the crazy memories they create). We also love doing the day-to-day life stuff together, and our weekly small groups help us connect together and do life as a team.

Read below for some more info about what we do as young adults and how you can connect. We’d love to see you soon!


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Small Groups

We get together every Thursday night at 7pm for a great time of hanging out, enjoying friends and food, and having some real-life chats with other people like us. Our small groups are designed to help us connect to friends, connect to community and connect to God.

These times are so important in helping us through our (often crazy) daily lives and they help us to truly connect with friends who can stand by us in the good and the bad.

Each week we meet in the home of one of our members, so if you’re keen to come along please contact Katelyn for details.

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Social Adventures

Each month our young adults embark on an epic social adventure. From exploring some awesome spots around Melbourne, to chilling over a board game, these times never fail to produce many laughs and great memories!

We would to see you at our next hangout. You can check out the events page or contact us for details of what’s coming up!

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