There is power in our words, and we can use it to fulfill what God's planned for our lives!
Speakers - Peter Lewis
Favour of God in Tough Times
The importance of living in the Favour of God, not just in the good times, but through the storms of life as well.
Breaking the Yoke of Bondage
Peter LewisBy embracing your Heavenly Father (and rejecting your old father) you can grow too big for the restraints the Devil has placed on your life.
Interview with Andrew Stone
Andrew Stone and Pastor Peter discuss practical steps you can take to look after your soul.
How to Grow Strong Faith
Peter LewisOur faith needs to be developed, and it develops by being fed the Word of God.
Interview with Col Stringer
Col Stringer and Peter Lewis discuss practical steps you can take to look after your soul.
Free From a Nagging Conscience
Peter LewisGod not only set us free from our sins, He also set us free from a consciousness of our unrighteousness and unworthiness to be in His presence. In other words, he was washed us from our evil conscience.
God Has Said So We May Say
Peter LewisWhy does God speak about future events using past tense? Because He is able to speak with absolute confidence regarding the future and He wants you to learn to speak with the same confidence.
The Amazing Truth About Repentance
Peter LewisRepentance has been given a bad name by people who have totally misunderstood it. Discover how repentance isn't about our sorrow - it's the doorway into God's provision of grace.
Interview with Andrew Robinson
The panel discuss how reading widely and reaching others are ways to keep your soul healthy.
The Heart That Gets God’s Attention
Peter LewisGod's sign that we have been saved is that He gives us a circumcised heart. But what does that mean? How does it affect our life? How can we use that circumcised heart to please God?